Monday, June 24, 2013

In the Beginning

Hi. I'm Karin, or Karen. My name was mistakenly written as Karen at the hospital where I was born and it appears as such on my birth certificate. I have been known to travel under the name Lupita. It just seemed like the thing to do, I've spelled it Karin all my life. All 51 and 1/2 years. Some days I feel like 51 and 1/2 and some days I don't. I also go by the name Kizzy. It was during the time "Roots" was on TV. I might have been complaining about having to do lots of cooking, cleaning, or housework in general (who doesn't). My sister-in-law said."We'll just have to start calling you Kizzy." And 30 years later I guess it "stuck." I loved that mini-series.

I have been married for almost 30 years. WOW! It only feels like 30 YEARS! I am the mother of three children. Of course they are children, I did not give birth to aliens....or did I? My oldest is almost 27, middle is 25, and youngest is 22. I live in the town I grew up in as have my my children. My mother was born and raised here. I think it is safe to say we are old timers. When I grew up we rode our bikes all over town, went barefoot, and didn't even worry about locking the doors at night. I have to admit I still run around barefoot feet are a true testament. I've only had one pedicure in my life. I think I have a weird thing about someone else touching my feet. Plus I don't someone pointing and laughing about my feet.

My oldest child has Cerebral Palsy-thank you doctor. This a whole other story....I'll save it for later. My middle child is a fiery redhead, University of Texas grad, and living it up in the city of Austin. My youngest is currently in the Police Academy-looks like we will have a POPO in the family, and my only son.

I am one of 6 children. I'm number 5. I was number 5 until it looked like there would only be 5. Lo and behold along came my youngest brother. I did enjoy that "baby of the family" for about 10 years. I love my brother but I had a pretty good gig going. My little brother made it 3 girls and 3 boys. Sounds fair right? Ummm, NOT SO MUCH!.  I was booted from my premiere status to somewhere in the bunch. My two oldest siblings banded together, my two older sisters banded together, brother was the baby and I had to fend for myself. I was a momma's girl and I will certainly take that but going against two older sisters was no easy feat. I once threw 2 handfuls of silverware to the back of my sister.....forks, spoons, knives, for 8 people. She deserved it. Yeah, that's a whole other story for another time. 

Life was bliss.....or was it?

1 comment:

  1. Good job Karin! Proud of you! Looking forward to reading your blog - just don't stop giving us regular news updates & other wtf moments via fb.
