Friday, June 28, 2013

School Daze

     One of my favorite memories of elementary school is running around the tennis court singing "Leaving on a Jet Plane" to my friend. Who knew she would be such a big part of my life? Well I did! We've been friends since head start. What stands out about this memory is the fact that I was wearing a dress. I had no choice. Girls were not allowed to wear pants to school back then. This is where I should say I had to walk two miles barefoot in the snow to and from school up hill both ways but the fact of the  matter was that the boys wore the pants and the girls wore dresses. There were no air conditioners either. The air consisted of open windows and a fan blowing hard  enough to make your hair stand out straight. If you were lucky enough to be near one.
     Some might have called me "teacher's pet." I prefer to think of it as being an amazing student. Besides, is there anything wrong with being the favorite one? I didn't think so either.My cousin didn't like it one bit but she had a bit of a talking problem-she could talk just fine, she just couldn't stop.   I know it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that my aunt did wet sets on most of my elementary school teachers. She also did the hair of the dearly departed for the local funeral home. She stayed pretty busy to say the least. 
     My how things changed when I went to the sixth grade.Girls could wear pants! Every sixth grader in the whole district, there were only three elementary schools, attended school together. What a novel concept. I can't believe I was going to school with kids that attended those "other" schools. I met one of my dearest friends in the sixth grade.  If I remember correctly(and I suffer from CRS-can't remember sh**) there were no walls dividing the classrooms. Everybody knew everybody's business.  We had to dress out for PE in a rock gym built in the 1940's. Pretty much the only thing I took away from there was that gym clothes get really, really stinky. Especially when left in a locker for extended periods of time.
     Junior high came and junior high went. I met another of my dearest friends during this time. I played basketball-I'm pretty sure I could have played in the WNBA. New ground was broken with the first male cheerleader. Some liked it, some didn't. It was definitely new. I know I enjoyed this time in my life because I can't remember not liking it. 
     I loved almost everything about high school. I can't say I enjoyed pep squad very much but it was necessary if you wanted to try out for cheerleader or drill team.  And I wanted to DANCE!
So I did. I spent three years on drill team. I'm pretty sure I could've been a Rockette but I guess it just wasn't in the cards. I have many, many great memories from high school but along with that came a period in my life that no teenager should have to suffer through. My mother got sick. The big C. I learned what it means to fight for your life. Man did she fight, with dignity. And that is just how she died. I was a high school senior. I was mad. How could this happen?  It happened. I have never felt that much heartache and sorrow.  I think this was the first time I understood the quote by Nietzsche, "That which does not kill us makes us stronger."


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